
Invest in the future of diabetes management.

Beta Bionics is a people-focused company dedicated to making diabetes easier for everyone, every day.

Our mission is to simplify and alleviate the burden of managing diabetes with life-changing solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Beta Bionics is not currently seeking private investment and does not broadly solicit individual investment.

Privately held shares in Beta Bionics are not liquid or tradeable on any public stock exchange at this time. Additionally, Beta Bionics shares are not tradeable privately at this time. While this may change in the future, there are no currently available avenues through which to liquidate an investment in Beta Bionics.

At this time, there are no Beta Bionics shares available for purchase on any stock exchange or by any private means. We are very pleased to have strong institutional investor support to complement our 2016 Reg CF investor community. While the Reg CF was a fundraising strategy the company utilized early on, we do not foresee any future share offerings via Regulation Crowdfunding.

Annual reg CF Reports

Part of our open culture is the publication of our annual reports.
So here they are. Just select the one you want to see and click to download your copy.

Reg CF Report


Reg CF Report


Reg CF Report


Reg CF Report


Reg CF Report


Reg CF Report


Reg CF Report


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looking for?

Annual B Corp reports

This link leads to the machine-readable files that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. The machine readable files are formatted to allow researchers, regulators, and application developers to more easily access and analyze data.

Ready to GO BIONIC?

The iLet Bionic Pancreas automatically adjusts to your insulin needs so you don’t have to.