The iLet Bionic Pancreas Mobile App

Pairing your iLet device with a phone via Bluetooth® technology will allow your iLet device to communicate with the iLet Mobile App.

Step 1

Download the iLet Mobile App

  • To download your app, scan the QR code.
  • Or visit the Google Play store or the Apple App Store and search for “iLet Mobile App”.
iOS iLet App
Google store iLet app

Step 2

Create an Account


Fill out your information, then click on the Register button.


You will receive an email from with a code.

Enter Code

Enter the verification code to complete registration.

Log In

Type in your email and password to log in and accept (sign) all user agreements.

Step 3

Pair your iLet Bionic Pancreas


Tap on Connect to an iLet

Choose your iLet

Wait for a connection to be established and choose your iLet. iLet device must be within 2 feet. Make sure your phone’s bluetooth is on.


Unlock your iLet Bionic Pancreas.


Select your menu in top left of screen.

Pairing Code

A 6-digit pairing code will appear on your iLet.

Finish Pairing

Enter the code into the iLet App on your phone to pair.

Syncing Data

You should then see your iLet link to your iLet App to start sharing data.

Ready to GO BIONIC?

The iLet Bionic Pancreas automatically adjusts to your insulin needs so you don’t have to.