Managing Highs on the iLet Bionic Pancreas

How to manage highs on the iLet

When you’re starting the iLet, you may still have high glucose levels as it learns how much insulin to give you based on your meal selections. It is very important that you let the iLet learn you and have it figure it out – by itself – that you need more insulin. We know sometimes it’s hard to “not do anything” to bring you back in range faster, but announcing a fake meal would confuse the algorithm and cause it to mis-dose your next meal. So please, please, please don’t do this! 🙏🏻

How does the iLet determine meal doses

When you announce a meal:

  • The iLet looks at the 4 hours after a meal announcement to determine how much additional insulin was needed or if insulin was suspended because your glucose went low.
  • The dose for that meal type will adjust up or down from there.
    If you announce an extra meal to treat the high, you will be at a higher risk for a low and the iLet will not be able to learn the correct dose.
  • During the first few weeks, it’s important to space meal announcements by 4 hours and avoid eating carb containing snacks between meal announcements to allow the system to determine the best dose for each meal type and size category.

When in doubt, change it out

If you are experiencing highs after the iLet has already learned you, you may have a kink in your infusion set. Please change out your infusion set to ensure you’re getting the insulin.

If you get the High Glucose Alert, your glucose has been above 300mg/dL for 90 minutes. DO NOT ignore this alert because it may mean that you’re not getting insulin. You should check that the iLet is functioning and the infusion site is working. Change the infusion site if needed and refer to your Ketone Action Plan.

If you experience prolonged hyperglycemia, follow your Ketone Action Plan and consult your healthcare provider.

For more information, please click here to access the iLet Quick Reference Guide or User Guide.
