Congrats on Going Bionic – Tips for Starting on the iLet

Congratulations on Going Bionic with the iLet Bionic Pancreas!

Now that you have your iLet, you can help the iLet algorithms get to know you and your habits over the next 2 weeks. By giving it meal announcements, you’ll help the iLet learn you.

Just a few reminders as you get to know the iLet:

  • Be Patient – as the iLet gets to know you, you will still have some highs and lows. If you go low, you will still need to treat with rapid-acting carbs. If you are high, please acknowledge the alarm and check your infusion set.
  • Take Care of your iLet – the iLet needs to be charged, filled with insulin, connected to a CGM and connected to a working infusion set.
  • Disconnect when changing insulin – to avoid any accidental dosing, disconnect while changing your insulin cartridge.
  • Lows – remember not to overtreat a low. If you overtreat a low by taking too many fast-acting carbs quickly, it will give you insulin to treat the spike in glucose. The FDA recommends treating a low with 15 grams of fast-acting carbs, and then waiting 15 minutes to see if your glucose has come up. If not, repeat.*
  • Alerts – make sure to respond to the alerts.
  • When in doubt, change it out – if your glucose is running high, check your infusion set and change it out to make sure you’re getting insulin.
  • Meals Announcements – it’s best to announce meals when you sit down to eat. If it’s been 30 minutes and you forgot to announce, don’t announce at that time.
  • Supplies – always have extra supplies on hand.
  • Mobile App – make sure to sync with the mobile app so your physician has the most up-to-date information.

For more tips on how to be successful on the iLet, click on the Patient Success worksheet.

For more information, please click here to access the iLet Quick Reference Guide or User Guide.
